16 11, 2020

N-W-JO-2: Explore the potential of Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) at the catchment scale

By |2023-06-21T14:27:21+03:00November 16th, 2020|

The rapid urban growth in Jordan is accompanied by a reduction of recharge to the groundwater sources and an increase in storm water flows. Because of a lack of natural infiltration areas for water, there is a severe loss of water yields to groundwater adding to the water scarcity in the country. This activity will identify appropriate Natural Water Retention Measures to be implemented in two pilot zones.

16 11, 2020

N-W-EG-2: Assist Egypt in the development of financing mechanisms, allowing the private sector to be involved and improve “water network management and resources efficiency at the on-farm level”

By |2023-11-03T16:43:07+02:00November 16th, 2020|

WES will assist Egypt in the development of financing mechanisms allowing the private sector to be involved and to improve water network management and resource efficiency at the on-farm level. The aim of this activity will be to contribute to increasing agricultural water productivity.

16 11, 2020

RW-3-P2P: Peer to Peer Exchange on Water Demand Management

By |2023-09-29T11:06:41+03:00November 16th, 2020|

WES is to build the capacity of PCs on Water Demand Management as a mean to influence the water demand and usage of water to meet any of the following objectives and/or combination of them: economic efficiency, social development, social equity, environmental protection, sustainability of water supply and services, and political acceptability.

13 11, 2020

N-W-DZ-2: Potential of Water use efficiency and water saving in domestic water

By |2023-12-28T08:29:11+02:00November 13th, 2020|

The main objective of this activity is to develop effective intervention strategies aimed at reducing domestic water consumption. A methodology will be developed for the implementation of surveys on the efficiency of residential water use and to assess the behaviour of water users in a selected residential area with the aim of guiding the future development of such strategies.

8 11, 2020

RE-7-REG: Regional activity on Best Practices in promoting circular economy and achieving waste reduction in the Mediterranean

By |2023-06-27T08:32:58+03:00November 8th, 2020|

WES will implement a regional assessment of high- and low-tech solutions including but not limited to awareness-raising hat have been successfully implemented in Mediterranean countries and elsewhere (e.g. in the EU) in order to achieve waste reduction and to promote the principles of a circular economy, relevant to the Mediterranean countries’ context and needs.

19 04, 2020

HE-2-REG: Awareness raising and Education for Sustainable Development: Training of Trainers on campaigns for sustainable consumption

By |2024-01-26T16:48:17+02:00April 19th, 2020|

This regional training will address Ministries of Education, Environment, Water, Development, etc., agencies and organisations of educators, as well as relevant CSOs/NGOs. It directly supports the UfM SCP efforts in the region. Through this activity a large number of educators of primary and secondary schools in the Partner Countries will be indirectly reached. It will also support the Partner Countries in the implementation of the Action Plan of the Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development.

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